Our research and development lab has over 200 internally manufactured formulas, which ensures the daily evolution of our products. We work with the best suppliers of raw materials in the world, which guarantees our quality seal in developing cosmetics for all audiences. Our cosmetic technology includes domestic inputs (cupuassu butter, murumuru butter and Brazil nut oil) and international inputs (shea butter, argan oil, tamarind extract and macadamia oil).

We have specialized infrastructure and team for a 360° development of your cosmetic, from the initial product formulation to label design and market strategy development. We produce according to the size of your business - large or small lots, always with our internal quality assurance guarantee.

HM Beauty Factory delivers and has the necessary documentation to operate anywhere in the globe, meeting Anvisa (Brazil), FDA (US), EMA (Europe) and NICNAS (Australia) standards:
- Factory certified on Anvisa (National Sanitary Surveillance Agency
- Ministry of Health Brazil)
- Products registered/notified on Anvisa (National Sanitary Surveillance Agency - Ministry of Health Brazil)
- Free Sale Product Declaration from Anvisa (National Sanitary Surveillance Agency - Ministry of Health Brazil)
- Free Sale List Declaration from FIERGS (Federation of Industries for the State of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil)
- Brand and products registered at CPNP - Europe (Cosmetics Products Notification Portal)
- Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
- Quality Control Analysis
- Microbiologycal Analysis
- Stability Test Worksheet
- BSE Free Certificate